Selasa, 21 Juni 2016
Kamis, 09 Juni 2016
Download Fundamentals of Physics Extended
Download Fundamentals of Physics Extended
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Fundamentals of Physics Extended
Download Fundamentals of Physics Extended
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Product details
Hardcover: 1328 pages
Publisher: Wiley; 8 edition (March 9, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471758019
ISBN-13: 978-0471758013
Product Dimensions:
8.8 x 2 x 11.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.8 pounds
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
468 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#106,095 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I used this book for college physics. What I like more about this particular edition is that every chapter opens with a particular topic of interest and throughout the chapter you learn the tools to solve it. For example, on the chapter dealing with vectors, the opening problem was how an ant, after zig zagging all over can return home in a straight line. You then learn how to work with vectors and somewhere in the chapter you'll learn the answer of how ants do it. This edition also goes beyond your typical college physics topics and dives into astrophysics and quantum physics.
I liked the fact that it covers almost every area of physics I could want to work on, except for quantum mechanics. The coverage of special relativity was light. There was one chapter (out of dozens) where the exercises seemed to be screwed up. The answers in the back of the book sometimes gave just a numerical value, and that was sometimes only given to one or two decimal places.
While there is probably no one text in any scientific discipline that covers all the bases for that branch of science, "Fundamentals of Physics Extended" comes close for the study of physics. Of course is does not go into the depth that a book on fluid dynamics or quantum mechanics would do for their respective disciplines, it does cover pretty much all subject areas well enough to make those more focused texts approachable while maintaining enough depth to be useful as both an undergraduate text and a reference text for professionals.There are two facets of the book that really stand out in my opinion. First, if you simply open the book to a random page, you will encounter either a blend of textual material, pictures and diagrams, or problems, lots of problems. The instructive portion of the text looks more like a flashy High School physics text book rather than a dry but profound undergraduate text (sort of like comparing Giancoli with an older Sears, Zemansky, and Young text.) Don't let that distract you, the didactic text explanations are well thought out and focused. Additionally, text does assume that you can follow the math behind the physics and ties the theoretical concepts presented in the text with the necessary calculus based mathematics in lots of worked out examples. The concepts are then reinforced with problem for the student to work out, lots of problem that range from the simple to the more complex.If there is one weakness, it would be the lack of mathematical rigor. As mentioned, it is assumed that can follow and understand the math. As a result, there are few areas were one can find a clear mathematical derivation from basic first principle relation to the more abstract expressions. Consider for example the presentation of the Doppler Effect; we go from a verbal explanation of what is happening physically directly to the equation that you need to know to calculate the Doppler shift for any case (moving or stationary, source or observer). For some subjects, this is fine, but is may require a secondary text if a more robust derivation is required. I suppose that it is assumed that by the time you reach those concepts you should 'see' the derivations as a matter of common sense.(ok, this is the role of the professor ;-)Considering that the book itself is over 1200 pages in an 8.5 x 11 form factor (w/micro font)plus a number appendices, and has a fairly in depth treatment of modern physics too boot, the lack of mathematical rigor can be overlooked for the undergrad who needs to know how to solve physics problems and is not overly concerned with the finer details of why (which is the purview of the more specialized texts). Is this the standard physics text? Well perhaps not, but it comes close and is well worth the investment as either a reference text or a pedagogical text or both. This text has earned a permanent spot on my shelves.
The required text in my college physics class was extremely unclear, so I asked my professor what his favorite text was. He told me that in over 30 years of teaching physics at college he likes this one and the first edition of this text the best. He calls it the bible of physics, and still turns to it to prepare for lectures. I picked it up here on amazon for $1, and absolutely love it. It is clear, concise, and derives everything. I, and my awesome professor, highly recommend this text as a suppliment to whatever unclear muddled up text your course requires.
If you are seeking a calculus based physics text, this may be the book for you. The author has a very entertaining way of presenting the material and creating examples. The problems covered in each section are increasingly difficult. So far, I have not been able to work all of the odd numbered problems (answers included) in any of the later chapters of the text, but I still feel that I am mastering the basics of the material. The problems prevent the learner from falling into the typical physics trap of plugging numbers into a formula without any understanding of the material. I am sure that I will be referring to this text frequently in the future.
Excellent book for content. Some of the best explanations. Better than most professors could teach or explain the topics. Price is the reason for 4/5 stars as well as that despite the steep price, the used rental kind of fell apart more or less by the time i received it
This is the textbook for my "physics with calculus" course. It is well written, well illustrated and has lots of depth. It also has lots of very good problems at the end of each chapter. Be aware that there are several versions of this book, all with almost identical covers. Be sure you're buying the right one.
Not a great textbook, but it does that job. I'd much more highly recommend Serway's college physics. This has some dumb examples and the problem solving algorithms are overly complicated.
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Rabu, 08 Juni 2016
Ebook My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran
Ebook My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran
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My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran
Ebook My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran
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About the Author
LORI HASKINS HOURAN, a former children's book editor, is the author of numerous picture books and leveled readers, including Too Many Dogs and The $25,000 Flight. JESS GOLDEN is a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, and a busy illustrator of picture books and leveled readers, including the Little Golden Book Soccer With Mom.
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Product details
Age Range: 2 - 5 years
Grade Level: Preschool - Kindergarten
Series: Little Golden Book
Hardcover: 24 pages
Publisher: Golden Books (January 9, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0399558136
ISBN-13: 978-0399558139
Product Dimensions:
6.6 x 0.2 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
5.0 out of 5 stars
3 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#102,773 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I love dogs & its a nice book
Our first grade daughter loved this book.
Super cute biok.
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My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran PDF
My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran PDF
My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran PDF
My Little Golden Book About Dogs, by Lori Haskins Houran PDF
Minggu, 05 Juni 2016
PDF Ebook The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Trading Business
PDF Ebook The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Trading Business
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The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Trading Business
PDF Ebook The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Trading Business
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From the Publisher
Please see for more information about PMKing Trading LLC
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About the Author
Paul King is owner, head trader, trading coach, and financial advisor at PMKing Trading LLC. Paul's background is in Information Systems, but he moved from technology to the business-side as a consultant to Wall Street companies. His last real job (some time ago) was as a business analyst at a leading Electronic Communications network (ECN) in Times Square, Manhattan, NY. Paul is passionate about trading and helping traders improve their performance through his international mentoring program. Paul has trading clients all over the world including USA, Canada, South America, and Australia. Paul has written a book about what he has learned developing PMKing Trading called "The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Trading Business". As well as writing articles, mini-eBooks about trading and recently having an article published in Futures Magazine, Paul is very interested in personal finance and helping his Financial Advice clients in Vermont become wealthier (i.e. closer to financial freedom by reducing fixed expenses and increasing passive income). When he's not trading or helping other people trade Paul has another full-time job as father to his 5 year old son, and partner to his wife Wendy. Paul also enjoys poker (and yes, his son is a good Texas Hold'em Player already), wine and beer (but not the night before a trading day!), vegetarian cooking, chess, backgammon, and organic gardening. Paul's philosophy on trading and life in general is summed up by the old Chinese proverb "Those who say a thing is impossible should not interrupt the people doing it".
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Product details
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: PMKing Trading LLC (February 2, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0615137687
ISBN-13: 978-0615137681
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.6 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
24 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,036,536 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Contrary to the opinions of earlier reviewers, I found this book to be largely without substance and easily read in a single day. The overall impression is of reading class notes for a lecture that you did not attend. In the few sections where a topic was discussed in any depth, the author's seemingly limited experience with differing trade styles was readily evident.The book is divided into three sections;1. Business ManagementThis section is roughly 45 pages and is little more than a bulleted list of headings and sub headings to include in a business plan. Seriously. There are none of the examples that one might reasonably expect from a "Complete Guide". This section also touches upon the different types of business setup where it incorrectly states that a general partnership is not a separate entity (section 201 of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) of 1994 provides that "A partnership is an entity distinct from its partners"). There was no mention at all of what is perhaps the most common formation of a trading business; The husband and wife general partnership. There was no mention of obtaining "Trader tax status" in the eyes of the IRS, which is critical to sole proprietors and partnerships.2. Trading ManagementThis section is roughly 110 pages and contains the only value to the book in that it finally breaks away from the bulleted lists and actually starts to discuss principles and ideas. Unfortunately, these topics have all been covered more competently and with more detail by Van Tharp. The author reaches some questionable conclusions such as "If the system has winning trades more than about 60% of the time it is also likely to be a short-term anomaly and will fail in the near future". This might apply to a trend trading strategy. But, it is flat out wrong for a swing trading strategy. The examples used were poorly chosen and contradicted the text. While the text correctly advised against Martingale betting, every table presented showed the Martingale system as superior to the others! I would instead highly recommend Tharp's "Definitive Guide to Position Sizing".3. Trader ManagementThe roughly 35 pages of this section make up the remainder of the book. It reverts back to the bulleted style with only marginally more detail. Again, I found nothing original and it reads like lecture notes of a Van Tharp conference.
I was in a process of setting up my FOREX Trading company and was creating a skeleton of my business plan (not an easy task to do from scratch) . I have read a lot of books about the process but none of them gave me what I was looking for - a detailed and step by step approach on how to do that until I found this book.I was impressed by how methodically it was written and it is VERY easy to follow. The author thought though every single detail of the process and provided a set of samples to be used to create your own plan. The book based on a real life experience of the author and provides very valuable information not found anywhere else, so far.I found this book very easy to read (and fun as well). The most important this is THE ONLY book of its kind that really gives you also a good picture of what trading business is about.The third part of it describes the life-cycle of trading systems from an idea thought a development and implementation process to a retirement stage.If you would like to built or in a process of building your own trading business - this book is A MUST to read.
Well written book from a trader who systematized his experiences trading for a living.
I attended a seminar through the Van Tharp Institute and saw this book in the possession of another trader. He told me Paul King was in Tharp's Super Trader program. I can't verify that, but I have no reason to doubt it. So I figured I would check out this book. I have a lot of Dr. Tharp's published material - Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, Definitive Guide to Position Sizing, Peak Performance Home Study Course, How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You, Business Planning For Traders and Investors, etc. I have found this book to be of value in conjunction with Tharp's books.This book pulls most of the aspects of Tharp's books together and, in a way, gives the "trader in training" a good outline for all the work he needs to do to have a successful business. I found the sections on "The Importance of Exits", "Monitoring" and "Serial Dependency" to be quite useful. In another section the author goes through the development of TradeStation code based on a simple SMA crossover with a 12 bar exit, which then is added on to with various types of other exits and loss prevention stops. You can see how the individual steps first reduce the effectiveness of the system; then, as the right exits are added, end up getting you back to a decent system. I found that quite instructive as to what a trader needs to do to develop a sound trading system.Overall, this book covers the entire gamut of building a trading business. It is broad but not deep. I think it offers a good snapshot of all the issues facing a trader. This book is fairly inexpensive and, compared to the cost of Tharp's materials (the ones available only from his company), is a decent bargain.
An excellent, highly practical introductory guide to implementing a quantitatively-based approach to trading the financial markets. If you are a reasonably experienced discretionary trader interested in moving toward a more quantitative approach to trading, this is the best "first" book for you. Far too many books on this subject are either a compendium of autobiographical experiences and observations too general to be put into use, or are devoted to an overly-detailed description of the more arcane aspects of a particular quantitative approach. P. M. King's book describes each of the basic steps and system modules necessary to implementing any quantitative approach, and offers the opportunity for a bit of hands-on experience with each through the included software code examples. He doesn't give you a "winning system" (figuring that out is your job!), but he does teach you how to evaluate whether your own system candidates are likely to be winners.
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